Stay Focused On What You Want To Manifest

It is important to learn what is important to spend your energy on.Once you learn that, you will realize that spending your energy on things that matter, that bring you joy & happiness are the things that raise your vibration.  High vibrations and living in a high frequency will help you manifest the things you want in your life.

Stay focused on what you want to see manifest in your life.

Stay focused on that intention.

Worrying is using your imagination to create something you DON’T want…so stop the worrying and instead put your attention on the things you want to see come true for you.

Where thoughts go energy flows…..

When we complain, fret, stress, get anxious we are putting our thoughts toward the exact opposite of what we want…. we are unknowingly creating more energy to build on the very things we are trying to avoid!!!It is about training our minds…. our minds are so powerful. Believe you will be healthy, strong, resilient, prosperous in all areas and you will be. For example, I don’t believe in getting sick. I keep the belief prominent in my being that I Will stay Healthy and Strong.

I can count on one hand the times I have ever had a flu in my whole life and it has been over ten years since I have even had a cold. I have never had any common childhood illness either. I continually feed my mind visions and statements of good health and strength.

Feed your mind what you want to manifest and Believe it wholeheartedly.

Bentley says, Have a Fantastic Week & Month Manifesting Awesome Things!!!!