Assessing Your Life

It is the Last Day of March.  Before the new month begins, it is a good time to evaluate your life, your mental wellbeing.Assess how you are thinking and feeling.What things or people are not supporting your current path?What gives you worry and anxiety?  What are you avoiding?If there is an area of your life …

Feeling Worthy & Believing in Yourself

In case anyone needs to hear this …. Sometimes we all do from time to time….. I don’t know what you’re waiting on but I promise it will be worth it if you keep believing…. Ask. Believe. Receive. I don’t know who hurt you but I promise holding on to the pain is only hurting …

I love New Beginnings

I love New Beginnings. February is the month where things finally fall into place….. everything works out in your favor.You are Worthy, Confident, In Control & Strong. Do not let anyone save you for later. Read that again. You are too awesome for that! You are going to see all your desires manifest. The universe …

Change Your Perspective

How is everyone doing with their New Year’s Resolutions? Mine is to be present with Gratefulness every day. Read this last night:Money can buy a bed but no sleep.Food but no appetite. A house but not a home. Medicine but not health. Finery but not beauty.Acquaintances but not friends.Entertainment but not happiness.Stop looking for happiness …