Assessing Your Life

It is the Last Day of March.  Before the new month begins, it is a good time to evaluate your life, your mental wellbeing.
Assess how you are thinking and feeling.
What things or people are not supporting your current path?
What gives you worry and anxiety?  What are you avoiding?
If there is an area of your life you keep pushing under the rug… it is best to confront it and start dealing with it. Begin April with a New Mindset.
If there are things in your life;  situations, people, a job, objects….anything that is no longer giving you joy, peace, growth.  Make today the day you start making plans to eliminate those things from your life. 

Let today be the day you decide and believe in yourself enough to step into your power and take control of your life….even the parts you would rather avoid. 
Tackle anything you have been putting off…today! (even if it is just baby steps) 
Problems, projects, thoughts, ideas, tasks just lay in weight and deplete your energy.

Once you take positive steps to confront whatever it is head on,  you will be blessed with renewed energy. You will feel accomplished, confident and reenergized! This will carry over into all over aspects of your life.

Say this affirmation: I believe and I have faith that I am capable and strong and worthy. I step into my power and take control of my life. I am blessed with renewed energy and positive events come to me as a result. 

There is nothing you cant accomplish apart from your mind!
Believe in yourself!