I love New Beginnings

I love New Beginnings. February is the month where things finally fall into place….. everything works out in your favor.You are Worthy, Confident, In Control & Strong. Do not let anyone save you for later. Read that again. You are too awesome for that! You are going to see all your desires manifest. The universe …

You Are The CEO Of Your Life

Have you ever dreamed about being a CEO of a huge successful corporation?Guess what? You already are a CEO!! You are the CEO of your LIFE, and that is a pretty impressive position!!So how is your life going? Need to make any changes with finances, health, relationships? Make this the day you start focusing on …

Facing Fearful Thoughts

Hello Lovelies! Sometimes we all have self doubt, anxiety and fear… the media lately has been fueling the narrative of being afraid.  We need to now, more than ever,  transform these thoughts into ones that make us feel in control and powerful. Positive Affirmations do that. 🤩Many people ask, What exactly are positive affirmations?  Affirmations …