Facing Fearful Thoughts

Hello Lovelies!

Sometimes we all have self doubt, anxiety and fear… the media lately has been fueling the narrative of being afraid.  We need to now, more than ever,  transform these thoughts into ones that make us feel in control and powerful. Positive Affirmations do that. 🤩
Many people ask, What exactly are positive affirmationsAffirmations are powerful phrases,  which when recited, can influence and even transform your subconscious mind.   These are positive statements written and spoken, always in the present tense  that describe a goal or desire as if it has already been achieved. 🤩

The subconscious will adopt almost anything as truth if it hears it enough. Once you reprogram your subconscious mind your vibration changes. Using positive affirmations takes your power back. This is the #1 way to combat fearful thoughts. 
Say them in the shower, while exercising, during meditation, while driving….. say them in the morning and before you go to sleep.🤩
    ” I am constantly presented with new opportunities for success”
     ” Every obstacle I overcome enables me to be stronger than ever before!”
       ” Every cell in my body is thriving and radiating health”
When you become a member,  you will receive your own weekly affirmations … available only to VIP members! Visit the Kimberly’s Coaching Corner page if you want to check out the memberships. Of all of the negative emotions that can reduce your capacity for attracting what you desire, fear is one of the most potent. If we are anxious, stressed, and frightened this keeps us immobilized.  Fear holds us back and keeps us focused on LACK. 
Thoughts of strength, and positivity heighten our energy vibration in a way that makes our manifestation abilities much more powerful. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Transform your fear into your power. In addition to saying the positive affirmations, writing them down increases their power!!
A second way to combat fearful thoughts is to write down what you are fearful of or stressed about.  This  focuses our thoughts, demystifies the fear and Releases it.
The third way to transform fear is to take an object like a crystal or rock or piece of jewelry hold it in your hand and visualize fear pouring into it and transforming into positive light pouring back through you.  I have Rose Quartz Heart Crystals for sale in the Bentley Shop. These are packaged with a manifestation notebook, the perfect place for writing your affirmations and for journalism.
One thing is for certain, none of us become a master of the law of attraction by avoiding negativity altogether and being in denial that it exists.  The reality is, we sometimes are afraid, we are stressed, and there are times we have to face negative aspects of life. No one is suggesting we Avoid these things. I am advocating for staying in a positive environment ad much as possible and when we need to confront the fear, the source of our stress or a negative situation,  jump in the mud and deal with the negativity. and then Move On!  
Do not dwell in it or let it dictate the rest of your day, week, month or life! Remember to Flip the Switch, with doing something that Tips the Scale back to Positivity. Try all the suggestions listed here, start incorporating them into your day, once you do, you will see how easily you can transform a negative experience that has left you feeling stressed, to a feeling of being back in control again. 
The fourth way to combat fearful thoughts is to review your day each night before going to sleep.  Ask yourself this question…” What was the Best thing that happened to me today?”🤔
This leads to the subconscious answering the question.It is usually the little things our subconscious will recognize that our conscious minds completely forgot about.By asking this question, we start recognizing what it is that does make us happy, that our subconscious views as rewarding.  Once we know what we things are, we can start incorporating MORE of that into our lives.

This will bring us MORE happiness and help us to Flip that Switch and Tip The Scale toward More Positive Things!!!💕💕💕 Again, incorporating these activities into your daily routine will make a big improvement and difference in your overall outlook.  
Make today a great day overcoming all fear and thinking only of what Empowers You!!