What Is The Law Of Attraction?

Hello Lovelies!

The most Powerful Law Of the Universe has always intrigued me.
              It is the Law that began at the beginning of time.  It has always been and will always be.                                                               It is the LAW OF ATTRACTION,
The most fascinating thing about this Law,  is that it Always works whether we are aware of it or not.  Knowing that the POWER is always at work, it makes sense to become aware of it, and learn how to use it so it works in our favor, Right?
This website and blog will have exercises, activities and lessons that will teach how we can master our thoughts and feelings because that truly is WHERE THE POWER IS.Thoughts Really do become Things.  So, knowing that, we want our Thoughts to be thinking the Very Best, so we manifest only the Very Best things!!
 In addition to putting into practice the Law of Attraction.  We will also explore other subjects, like how best to pursue our Purpose in Life and how to stop letting obstacles and fear stand in the way of letting us achieve our true dreams.  How to stop chasing superficial happiness and learn to create happiness within, how to bring Joy and Passion into every day, and how to Fuel the Life You Want!
First, going back to the Law of Attraction, there are some initial steps in learning how to guide our feelings and thoughts to achieve the very best outcomes.  The basic concepts to first understand are important before we actually start practicing reprogramming and retraining our thoughts.  

Although it is true our thoughts do have Real Power, so do our Feelings.  Our feelings give us our thoughts so it makes sense to first understand; when we feel good, we automatically think good thoughts.  It is naturally difficult to monitor every single thought that enters our head, it is far easier to gauge our feelings.  We automatically recognize when we are feeling good, and when we are feeling bad.   When we feel Good our vibration moves higher.  Higher Vibrations Bring Manifestations. 

Simple Steps to the Highest Manifestations:Monitor your emotional state throughout the day.  Negative emotions like stress, worry ,impatience, frustration, or even anger need to be FLIPPED.  Flip the Switch. A very fast way to do this is to  say a Positive Affirmation quietly to yourself several times.  Also, writing down affirmations are a very powerful way to lift and change your mood.  I recommend having a notebook that is dedicated to only your manifestation work.  Use a notebook of your own, or purchase the one I have for sale in the Bentley Shop. Dedicate a notebook to only your Law of Attraction work, your affirmations and things working toward Making Your Life Great Again. This website and my facebook page are a great source for a variety of affirmations.  I will always have new ones on this blog. This link; Affirmations will take to the page of a growing list provided here. When encountering a negative feeling, remember to Flip the Switch create a go to list of Affirmations that resonate with you that give you a sense of control, peace, calm.  This will help move your negative emotion into a higher vibration.Some of my favorites include:
” I acknowledge my (insert whatever your current feeling is, worry, impatience, stress, anger )And  I LET IT GO NOW.  I know Everything will work out in my favor and Give Me The Best I Deserve. “
” I Maintain A Positive Attitude & Have A Positive Expectation All Day”
 ” I Choose To See Goodness Today!”
  ” Good Things Happen To ME EVery Day” 
   ” I Am Filled With Excitement & Expectation.  If A Negative Experience Comes, It Does Not Alter My Mood.  I Know Positive Things Are Coming My Way”
    ” I Believe and Have Faith that Only Good and Positive Things Come to Me Now”
These are also great affirmations to say daily even when you are already feeling good.  Affirmations are not just for when we are feeling bad, we can say them several times a day to keep the momentum of positivity.

     Other Tips to help Flip The Switch if you are having a negative feeling:#1  Think of something good.  Think of a great day you experienced in the past and relive that memory in your mind#2    Think of your favorite activity.  Maybe you love sitting by the ocean, walking in the woods, playing your favorite sport, enjoying your favorite hobby.  Whatever your favorite activity may be,try visualizing yourself doing that activity for several minutes#3   Think of 3 things you are Grateful For In Your Life Right Now.  If you are able to , Write them down.
All of these activities will help you Flip the Switch and move you to a Better Mood. Good Feelings generate Good Thoughts and we need to be in this High Vibration state to properly manifest the best  things into our lives.

If any feelings come over you that you are not worthy to have Great things Manifest for yourself, that you are undeserving in some way.  We will need to work on eliminating these limiting beliefs.The way to worthiness is CHOOSING to be WORTHY, just because YOU ARE.  Choose to feel worthy from within.  Worthiness is not based on words spoken about you, material things, or anything external.  It comes from You Choosing To Feel Worthy And Deserving Of All Good Things Coming To You.

Worthiness affirmations to employ when needed:
     I Deserve To Be Happy Every Day
      I am Worthy Of Success and Happiness
       I Deserve Having What I Want
       I Am Attracting Good and Positive Things to My Life because I Deserve It

Once you feel aligned with Positive High Vibrations then you can start doing the fun part of  the Law of Attraction:  
                Ask      Believe    Receive
We will get into that part in my next blog entry.  Remember to also visit my facebook page for daily posts about Making Your Life Great Again!  Check out my Membership Packages for more Fuel For The Life You Want!Make It A GREAT Day!