
Affirmations instill new powerful beliefs into your mind, help flip the switch of your feelings, and build confidence, self-worth and develop a high vibration.

20 Affirmations You Can Employ Anytime!

I Maintain A Positive Attitude & Have A Positive Expectation All Day!

I Choose To See Goodness Today!

Good Things Happen To Me Every Day!

I Am Filled With Excitement & Expectation. If A Negative Experience Comes It Does Not Alter My Mood. I Know Positive Things Are Coming My Way!

I Believe And Have Faith That Good And Positive Things Come To Me Today!

I Know Everything Will Work Out In My Favor And Give Me The Best I Deserve.

I Am Creating A Life and Living Everyday In A Way That Brings Me, Focus

Joy, Passion and Purpose.

The Universe Is Filled With Endless Opportunities For Me

I Attract Limitless Positive Abundance Now

I Attract Positive Circumstances And Positive Events Into My Life Now

I Am Ready To Receive Abundance And Prosperity From The Universe

I Deserve To Be Happy Every Day!

I Am Worthy Of Success And Happiness

I Deserve Having What I Want!

I Am Attracting Good And Positive Things To My Life because I Deserve It!

I Am Ok. I Am Strong. I Am Beautiful. I Am Worthy.

I Am Ready To Receive Abundance And Prosperity From The Universe!⭐

I Deserve To be Happy. I Am Worthy Of Success. I Deserve Having What I Want!⭐

⭐I Am Powerful, I Am Capable, I Am Worthy⭐

I Am Enjoying My ________________ Insert Whatever You Are Currently Trying To Manifest (My New Career, My New House, My Positive Healthy Relationship) Now

Second list of AFFIRMATIONS

I am Grateful for the lessons today, taught me so I am Stronger tomorrow.

I am Grateful for everyone who has been in my life and for the love we have shared and the lessons we were taught.

I Attract people and resources that I need and that belong in my life.

I Trust that what I need is being brought to me in the highest and best way now.

I Release my negative thoughts to create space for positive thinking and optimism.  

I am Unforgettable, I am Unique, I am Worth it, I am a Priority.

I Feel good about myself and the decisions I make.

I Am capable of achieving my goals and living out my dreams.

Powerful Gratitude Affirmations

1: I am thankful for my safe and secure home.

2: I gratefully receive the lessons that each experience brings.

3: I am grateful for the constant flow of money through my life.

4: I realize how fortunate I am that so many people love me.

5: I have access to nourishing food and clean water, and I am so thankful.

6: I appreciate all of the people involved in bringing food to my table.

7: Every person I meet can teach me something. I am grateful for their wisdom.

8: I realize the gift of this precious human life.

9: I love and appreciate my beautiful family.

10: My friends enrich my life beyond measure; I am so thankful for each and every one.

11: My pets are a source of comfort and unconditional love. I am so lucky to have them.

12: I revere nature in all her glory, and I love connecting with her every day.

13: I appreciate all the things my wonderful body allows me to do.

14: My kids help me develop patience, kindness, and playfulness. I’m so grateful for them.

15: I am thankful for my mistakes because they have made me stronger.

16: I give thanks for each exquisite moment.

17: I see and appreciate the light in everyone, including myself.

18: I am grateful to the universe for manifesting all the wonderful things in my life so far.

19: I recognize every blessing, no matter how small.

20: I am thankful for the ability to learn, develop, and grow.

21: I see abundance all around me, and I feel so blessed.

22: Thankfully, I have the power to make my dreams come true.

23: I am so grateful for all the love in my life – given and received.

24: I recognize the opportunities the universe presents, and I give thanks for each one.

25: With a sense of gratitude, I see the world in a new light. Each day is an opportunity and a gift.

26: I am thankful to my parents for loving me and teaching me. I know they did their very best.

27: I appreciate my strength and resilience. I know I can survive and thrive.

28: To every teacher who has helped my learning and shaped me into the person I am today, I will be eternally grateful.

29: I am thankful for my unique creativity and my capacity to enrich other people’s lives.

30: I am grateful for my sense of gratitude – I know it is the way to joy, peace, and the life of my dreams.