Make Yourself A Priority

It is almost Spring Lovelies–

In this new season, be extra kind to yourself.
You are your biggest investment. Make yourself a priority. Listen to what your emotions are telling you. Anger and Anxiety are telling you you feel powerless and off balance. Your fear is really what you care the most about…. your apathy means you are overextended and burnt out.
Our emotions give us the key to what we need…. be sure to listen. Feelings aren’t random. They are messengers.
Feeling a little off? Need a boost? Your words and thoughts have power. Speak to yourself and set up a positive path for the day.
Talk Success, Victory, Happiness and Blessings over your destiny. Say this affirmation,
“I am worthy, I am brave, I am capable, I know my potential, I Believe in myself!’

Today, choose YOU. We are conditioned to believe our worth is from being ” chosen.” We look for validation from others constantly, we wait for others to deem us worthy of love, greatness , success.
The truth is, your worth comes from choosing yourself. Your power comes from reclaiming all that you are. To speak, feel and do without the need of permission or fear of what others think.
Choose YOU. We are responsible for our own happiness. In fact we create it, we attract it, we manifest it. We are the architect of our reality, so Choose happiness. We are all that powerful and we can create the life we deserve!!

Ask yourself , how will I make it an Amazing Day today? Our thoughts and what we focus on, have great power because they have our energy giving them additional fuel. Be aware of what you are saying, and what you are thinking. Watch your words. It is a spectacular moment when you catch your unwanted words midstream because it means you have become more conscious and aware!!
Set your intention for the day. Don’t let today be governed by the thoughts of the past.
Say these affirmations to set yourself on a good path :
” All Good is coming to me today”
” All my Desires will be met today”
” I Believe and I have Faith that all Good and Positive things come to me now”
” I am Strong, I am Capable, I am Smart, I am Beautiful, and I am Worthy. I can handle anything that comes my way today!”

We are magnets…..attracting what we think and focus on.
What will you attract today?

Hope you attract the best and all you deserve!