Self Care For Empowerment

Hello Lovelies! Remember to give yourself self care…. this does not always mean massages, getting manicures and a day at the spa.It means keep things in your life that build you up and keep your vibration high and let go of things that don’t!When you love yourself you let go of things that are not …

Affirmations and Crystal Work

Hello Lovelies! The Law of Attraction is always at work. Everyone is “using” this Law whether we realize it or not. The key is become more aware of its power to best use the Law for our benefit.We can manifest things Wanted and Unwanted, and we are still attracting ( and failing to attract) certain …

Law of attraction and courage work side by side

Hello Lovelies! The law of attraction and courage work side by side.It is not just about wishing and hoping for good things. It is also about being brave and having our own courage to go after the things we want.Courage is a powerful vibration. When we act with courage our goals and intentions manifest much …

Facing Fearful Thoughts

Hello Lovelies! Sometimes we all have self doubt, anxiety and fear… the media lately has been fueling the narrative of being afraid.  We need to now, more than ever,  transform these thoughts into ones that make us feel in control and powerful. Positive Affirmations do that. 🤩Many people ask, What exactly are positive affirmations?  Affirmations …