Self Care For Empowerment

Hello Lovelies! Remember to give yourself self care…. this does not always mean massages, getting manicures and a day at the spa.It means keep things in your life that build you up and keep your vibration high and let go of things that don’t!When you love yourself you let go of things that are not making you feel amazing, things that are making you feel small. We are not meant to feel small. We are meant to feel The Absolute Best!! It could be things related to your job, people in your life, things you are committed to doing. Reevaluate. If you are involved in too many obligations for example, that are not bringing you joy and value….then let those things go.Find things that bring you that joy and passion. Things that give you Fuel For Your Life. This Gives You Power. Keep the Amazing Give up the things that drag you down.
Ask yourself these questions each day. These Are Ways To Help You Feel Empowered.What am I happy about or excited about today?What am I grateful for in my life today?How do these things make me feel?Tap into that good feeling to empower your day.Once you are feeling good….. start thinking about your BIG GOALS your BIG VISIONS.


If there was No limit to what you could do , be, buy, become, what would you do in the next 5, 10 , 15 years? START THINKING BIG, DREAMING BIG, ASKING BIG FROM THE UNIVERSE.Jot these thoughts down that stream through you….. keep those notes. We will go back to those notes here and and do more work on that, on getting those Dreams and Goals manifested for you!