Keeping Our Vibration High Even During Stress!

Lovelies, 2020 has been crazy!Whenever I feel low or helpless and things seem to be spinning out of control. I immediately do something to gain control over my immediate environment. So, what I am doing on a Thursday night? Cleaning my house!


It may not be exciting but decluttering and cleaning does give a sense of immediate control and is very grounding.I also recommend saying Positive Affirmations repeatedly to yourself, either speak them in your mind or out loud to yourself.” I BELIEVE AND I HAVE FAITH THAT GOOD AND POSITIVE THINGS WILL COME TO ME”Anytime you need a quick mood boost.Say an affirmation. It immediately flips the switch!😁😁😁Affirmations instill new powerful beliefs into your mind, switch your feelings, and build confidence, self-worth, and develop a high vibration. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Some good ones to employ anytime during the day:πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
I CHOOSE TO SEE GOODNESS TODAYI KNOW EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT IN MY FAVOR AND GIVE ME THE BEST I DESERVE!I ATTRACT POSITIVE CIRCUMSTANCES AND POSITIVE EVENTS INTO MY LIFE NOW!I created this website literally for crazy times like these ….to help us gain power and control and master our emotions, especially when times are stressful, depressing and chaoticOn the Inspire and Empower page, you will find ways to master your emotions. When you see the word ” Affirmations” click on that. There is a free list for everyone, of 20 affirmations that I highly recommend!!! They will Boost Your Mood!


I also have some very cute little notebooks that fit right in your purse, bag, backpack, that are a great way to write down some affirmations and take them with you! Or just use the notebook for everyday lists, and notes.Crystals are a great way to calm nerves. Some people call them worry stones. Keep them in your pocket, hold in your hand, expel your worries and fear into the crystal. Use the crystal to make you feel strong and confident.I have a Manifestation package for sale in the Bentley Shop, use this to strengthen your mind, body and soul. Remember, during stressful times, we have to keep our good feelings Up!!Many people don’t know about the power of good feelings. Life isn’t happening to us, life is responding to us.When we deliberately take charge of our feelings and words and thoughts it will make a huge difference in our lives.Our thoughts do become things. And our thoughts are created from our feelings. In the Bentley Shop you will also see a cool planner, the company is allowing me to offer you a discount when you order through them.
The planner helps to keep you on track with wonderful ways to lay out your goals, and vision for your life with hints and tips to keep your mood and feelings UP !! All of the pages and items offered on this site are to help you always keep your vibration and mood positive and high. When our vibration is at its highest, this is when we can manifest awesome things into our lives!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž