Speak Power Over Your Life

Lovelies, whatever happens to you today, or any given day, think to yourself, how would the best version of myself handle this? Then do that.Whatever happens, handle it with Grace.Remember, sometimes when you think you are losing, you are winning. Tap into a place where your emotions are mastered and nothing distracts you from your high vibration.


Keep in touch with your feelings and where you are on the emotional scale. When you know where you are emotionally you know when you have to flip the switch and do something to get to a higher vibration. Higher vibrations are needed in order to manifest the Best Things Into Our Lives.πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Click on the Inspire and Empower page. The Inspire and Empower page shows you what the emotional scale looks like and how to monitor where you are on the scale.You’ll find tips on how to move UP THE SCALE TO FEELING GOOD! Free Affirmation list is there too!🀩🀩🀩These tools help us Feel Good and when we do we can best Manifest. In order to manifest we need to give what we desire three things Attention, Intent and Emotion But we have to be in a positive good frame of mind in order to do so! What if I Told You That All You Need To Do Is Imagine That Thing You Want The Most …..That Dream You Always Envision ….All You Need To Do Is Visualize It As Real Right Now ….And Your Half Way There?!?πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•The Law Of Attraction….. the oldest law in the Universe….the law that the Best Selling Book was based upon… THE SECRET…. is really about programming your Thoughts and Success to Constantly EXPECT Amazing Things To Happen In Your Life All The Time. You can learn to Instill A New Powerful Belief System in Your Mind, and learn how to tap into a higher vibration no matter what is going on around you externally, to help you achieve abundance in all areas of your life.πŸ‘πŸ˜ŽAlways Speak Power Over Your Life.Hone your thinking in order to transcend the ordinary level of awareness that most people never move past. Simply adjust your daily habits in small but powerful ways.1. Start Observing Your ThoughtsYou need to develop mastery of your own thoughts, and the first step is to monitor them. If you think about Giving, about Boundless Abundance, and Good Things, the Universe hears you and provides it.If you obsess about those things being taken from you, or worry you’ll never get them in the first place, than lack and negativity is what you will attract.2. Let your imagination run free. Let go of what you think is plausible and just give your imagination full permission to go where it wants. The universe is your shopping list. Start writing down things you want.3. Use ” I Am” thoughts. Use affirmations Often. Say ” I Am Powerful. “” I Am Strong””I Am Able To Accomplish Anything”” I Am Worthy”Speak them and write them, you can use my notebooks and crystals I have for sale in the Bentley Shop! On sale for just $12. GET 2 NOTEBOOKS & 2 CRYSTALS. Speak Power to yourself Say, ” I Am Awesome! ” and have an awesome day!