Today, think about protecting your peace, your energy, your sanity.

It is perfectly ok if it is Not Lifting You Up, to Let It Go. Whatever it may be.
Turn it off, Unfollow, Unsubscribe, Block, Walk Away.
Plug into and participate in uplifting people and content online and off. You get to choose what you allow into your head.
You spend the most time with yourself…make sure you are feeding yourself encouragement, and positive energy.

A facebook friend of mine told of this story that illustrates this point beautifully:

I ran to get a quick lunch and I’m sitting beside a lady, she’s eating her burger, looking at her phone.
Then she starts making this awful noise and I thought, crap, I’m going to have to try to remember how to do the Heimlich maneuver. I look at her and she’s not choking, she’s sobbing. Myself and the server ask at the same time if she’s ok and she says she’s not, the burger is fine but she’s just really sad.

So I sit there with God nudging me to talk to her and me really not being in any sort of mood to be nosing in the business of this lady crying into her cheeseburger.

I pay my tab and get up, remember I promised to be obedient to what God asks of me, sit back down and ask her if she’s ok. She said no and I asked her if she wanted to talk about it.

Y’all, she was getting bullied in a FB group. To the point that she was sobbing. I told her to get out of the group! Delete it, block the people, walk away!

Social media can be a really nice tool to keep in touch and stay connected but you’ve got to make sure what you’re connecting to isn’t toxic and damaging.

Her heart was broken. And it broke my heart for her. That she was choosing to continue to try to defend herself to people determined to treat her horribly, simply because they could.

Walk away.
Sign out.
Cut off ties.

If you’re going to be connected, make sure it’s to things that are good, fun and productive.

Some things are out of our control but if you can walk away from something that causes a breakdown over lunch because of things you’re reading from mean people–

Just stop.
Your life will be more peaceful without the noise.

It is a great story. And on that note, let’s be nice to one another.
Have the urge to be Snarky? Sarcastic? Always Right?
Resist and choose Kindness. Sometimes winning an argument or making a point is just not important.
Reach out, Be Nice, Be Gracious, Be Thoughtful. We all could use more of that right now.❤
Bentley says I Love You Everybody!! SPREAD LOVE & KINDNESS THIS WEEK. 😍