Happy October!

I am sharing another facebook friend’s great story to add perspective to our day. Perfectly illustrates this quote we often see:We are not all in the same boat, we are in the same storm. Some are in a yacht, some are in a canoe, some are drowning. Just be kind…Help who you can….

And let’s add : Be grateful for what you do have. There are times when I am in a canoe, but I still try to remember to be grateful for the little things around me, things that would be a big deal for someone else. It’s all perspective. Buying apples is a big treat for some, for someone else just a common everyday item.

A friend was saying they overheard someone exclaim, how one day they hope to have their very own washer and dryer.

Most of us have something we wish for, for some it is a necessity like this, for others it is a luxury item, like an expensive vacation or car. It all depends what boat you are in.
Remember, we are not all in the same boat.

Makes you appreciate what you DO have doesn’t it?
Keep that perspective friends.

From Mandy Stacy:Years ago, someone left their grocery list in the buggie at Food City. It was one of the smallest lists I’d ever seen. Necessity items only. At the bottom, it said, “apples if there is enough $ left” It haunted my heart. To this day, I think about it every time I pass by the apple section in the grocery store. My “problems” are NOT problems. I know God meant for me to see that list. I needed that perspective. We all have wish lists. How lucky am I that I can pick up a bag of apples any time I want? I’d give anything to know who it was that wanted them. It would be the blessing of a lifetime to fill the trunk of their car with apples!

One of my favorite quotes says, “We are NOT all in the same boat. We are in the same storm.” Look it up. It might change the way you look at things … or people.