Affirmations and Crystal Work

Hello Lovelies!

The Law of Attraction is always at work. Everyone is “using” this Law whether we realize it or not. The key is become more aware of its power to best use the Law for our benefit.We can manifest things Wanted and Unwanted, and we are still attracting ( and failing to attract) certain things because it is working even when we do not realize it is working. It is working as a result of our fundamental beliefs and emotional states. The key is to fine tune our beliefs, thoughts and emotions……so they work in Our Favor. It takes practice and it is impossible to monitor every thought that pops in our heads. It is easier to have control over our emotions and our vibration, which in turn, affects our thoughts. Our vibration is our energy we send out to the universe. When we vibrate on a lower frequency we feel burned out, and low and it makes it harder to attract what we want. A higher frequency means we are able to attract bigger, better and more fulfilling things into our lives.Repeat on occasion throughout the day to keep this frequency high!⭐” I am Attracting Good and Positive things into my life right now that always result for my Highest Good.”
Instill powerful positive belief systems into your psyche and You will feel Powerful and Unstoppable. 💕A great way to feel fearless is to say affirmations that empower you while holding an object like a piece of jewelry or a crystal. I love crystals. Saying the affirmations while holding it in your hand and then keeping it in your pocket or near you all day is a way to keep the positivity infusing into your being all day long. I am selling Rose Quartz Heart Crystals bundled in a package with a Manifestation Notebook. On sale in the Bentley Shop. Check it out! Two great affirmations to say with your crystal:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐” I have faith and believe, Good and Positive things come to me Now!” ” I Am receiving Abundance Now in Expected and Unexpected ways!”Bentley and I want to remind you, when you really want something and go after it without any disbelief the Universe Will Make It Happen!!