Law of attraction and courage work side by side

Hello Lovelies!

The law of attraction and courage work side by side.It is not just about wishing and hoping for good things. It is also about being brave and having our own courage to go after the things we want.Courage is a powerful vibration. When we act with courage our goals and intentions manifest much more readily. πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ’ͺFear melts when we face it head on. When we fail to face up to it, it grows. Fear is an illusion our thoughts make it real. 😎Don”t wait for life to force the issue. Build courage consciously. Whatever we fear tackle it head on …even taking baby steps will go a long way. Fear serves as a Counter Intention. So build up the courage to have the conversation, ask the question, whatever you have fear around decide to confront it head on. See how fast once you start talking about it… dissolves, it is demystified and often leads to solutions we did not recognize before.

Afterall, we all know life can be Amazing, then it can be awful, then it can be wonderful again…..through all the ups and downs and times of smooth sailing, Life isn’t always happening to us. . It is Responding to us.
πŸ€” Read that Again. Many of us do not understand the power of good feelings and so our feelings are reactions or responses to what happens. We put our feelings on automatic pilot instead of deliberately taking charge of them. Every single second is actually an opportunity to change our lives because in any moment we can change how we feel.Saying daily affirmations throughout the day keep us on track and remind us that being focused on staying in a high vibration should be one of our top priorities each day. Checking in with our personal emotional scale throughout the day keeps us in touch on where we are on the scale and what we need to do to move up the scale.View in the pics attached the emotional spiral.When we are on the lower portion of the scale we must do something to move ourselves higher. Affirmations, doing something we enjoy, music, exercise can all be employed to move us up to a higher vibration.Most people believe when our emotions fall at hopefulness or higher our ability to manifest and attract the positive things into our lives is that much easier.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘The Best thing we can do for Ourselves And for Others, is to ensure we are operating at the highest vibration possible.
” I Believe and I have Faith that Good and Positive Things Come To me Today. Everything Works Out For My Highest Good All The Time!”